June 18, 2024 Board Meeting



TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024


76811 USAL RD 







  1. Call to Order / Roll Call

  1. Agenda Approval

  1. Public Input re: Closed Session Items

  1. Recess to Closed Session

  1. Conference with Real Property Negotiator Frank Zotter regarding negotiation of sublease terms with Whale Gulch Educational Association for rental of the premises of Whale Gulch School site

  2. Conference with Labor Negotiators (G.C. 54957.6)

  • Name of Agency Negotiators: Superintendent

  • Name of Organization: LAT

  1. Employee Appointment

  2. Employee Discipline, Dismissal, and Release

  3. Consideration of Interdistrict Transfer Requests for 2024/2025 School Year:

  1. 24/25C, 24/25D, 24/25H, 24/25M, 24/25P, 24/25Q, 24/25R, 24/25S, 24/25T, 24/25U, 24/25V, 24/25W, 24/25X, 24/25Y, 24/25Z, 24/25Aa, 24/25Ab, 24/25Ac, 24/25Ad, 24/25Ae, 24/25Af

  1. Reconvene to Open Session

  1. Report Out of Closed Session

  1. Public Comments:

A maximum of 30 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board. Each speaker will receive a maximum of 3 minutes and will be alerted by the Board President when their time is up. Individuals are encouraged to use as little time as possible to allow for as many speakers as possible to comment. 

The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendent for further clarification. Individuals may address the Board on regular session agenda items at the time they are under consideration. While we are conducting meetings remotely the Board Secretary will read any comments put in the chat box at the end of public comments.

  1. Correspondence

  1. Communication/Department Reports

    1. District Updates

    2. Leggett Valley School

    3. Whale Gulch School

    4. CTA/LAT

    5. CSEA

  1. Informational Items:

  1. Monthly Enrollment Update - May 2024

  2. Leggett Valley School Water Report

  3. Report on Status with Negotiations with Whale Gulch School Education Association (WGSEA) Regarding Sublease Agreement for Whale Gulch School Site

  1. Discussion/Action Items:

    1. Adoption of Revised Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 1230: School Connected Organizations

    2. PUBLIC HEARING: 2024/25 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

    3. PUBLIC HEARING: 2024/25 Budget

    4. Approval of Alternate Representative to the Mendo-Lake ACE Consortium

    5. Approval of up to 8 Additional Days for the Superintendent in Fiscal Year 2023/24

    6. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding Repair of LVS Gymnasium Floor

    7. Approval of Surplus of Old Furniture

    8. Consent Agenda

      1. Minutes from May 8, 2024 Regular Meeting

      2. Minutes from Special Board Meeting May 13, 2024

      3. Warrants May 2024

      4. Personnel Assignment Order - June 2024

  1. Review Agenda for Next Regular Meeting:

    1. Adopt LCAP

    2. Approval of Local Indicators

    3. LCAP Federal Addendum

    4. Adopt Budget

    5. Consolidated Application (consent)

    6. Prop 28 (AMS) Annual Report spending plans

    7. Public Hearing: AB1200 LAT

    8. Single School Plans for Student Achievement Review and Revision (September?)

    9. Dress Code

    10. Architects

    11. Superintendent’s Evaluation

    12. RESOLUTION: Appropriation of End Fund Balance to Reserve Account

    13. RESOLUTION: Authorize County Superintendent to Transfer Expenditures Between Funds

    14. Inter-fund Cash Transfers

  1. Items Board Members Wish for Future Agendas

  2. Date and Location of Next Regular Meeting: Monday, June 24, 2024 @ Leggett Valley School


    1. Superintendent

    2. Board

  2. Adjournment of Meeting